Wood flour is an important element of many fillers and composites building products. If you want the highest quality choose wood flour from dansktraemel.com.
Wood flour is a practical product, and the name refers to the consistency of the material, because it is flour-like in its powdered and fluffy feel. And then it is made from pulverized wood, just like sawdust. The difference lies in how finely the wood is pulverized. Wood flour is very finely pulverized sawdust. To get the flour to be as fine as possible, the wood flour is filtered after pulverization, so you are sure there is no lumps and that the consistency is the same.
You can make wood flour out of many different sorts of trees, but the choice of sort has a very big influence on the quality of the wood flour. You usually say, that wood flour made from hardwoods is durable and strong, while wood flour made from less stable tree sorts are more fir and pine. Which sort you want, depends on, what you should use the wood flour for.
Wood flour is used in many different ways, but often it is used in the building industry, because it is a magnificent filler for different products like linoleum and Bakelite. Also wood flour can be used in composite materials, for instance while building roofs and decks. The quality of the wood flour has a significant impact on the durability of these components.
Finally, wood flour is used as flooring in animal husbandry, but are mostly used in the fur dressing process in for example the mink industry. Wood flour can be used in so many different ways, and sometimes the durability and consistency is an important factor, sometimes it is not. However, when using wood flour in building composite materials, you need to make sure of the flour’s ability to stabilize the components that it’s bound to, as well as adding strength and durability to the final product. When wood flour is being mixed with other materials, it is very important, that the consistency is just right.
When you buy wood flour from dansktraemel.com, you are guaranteed, that you get stable, even and consistently high-quality wood flour from Denmark. The Danish quality can be used for all building composites, whether it being plastic or wood-based. Also, the prices match the quality of the products.